Free 15-Minute Consultation: Which Service is Right For You?
Use this questionnaire and calendar to schedule a quick call with me to ask questions or determine which service or course is right for you.
Establishing Realistic Sleep Expectations
This is a brief but informative look at the factors that affect your baby's sleep. You will finish this mini-course feeling empowered with some new tools. It's great for families who are curious if sleep learning is for them.
Your Baby Sleeping by 12 Weeks! 1:1 Private Sessions
In these private sessions, we meet for one hour weekly in your baby's first 12 weeks of life. I provide you with a plan, and during the hour sessions we review the plan and make personalized adjustments so your baby sleeps 11-12 hours by 12 weeks.
Prerecorded 12-Week Virtual Sleep Coaching
Your 12-Week Virtual Sleep Coach was developed through close work with so many families like yours. A Newborn Sleep Consultant's support weekly in your home, with the convenience of a virtual experience.